Protecting Your Assets: How Family Law Attorneys Can Help with Pre-Nuptial Agreements

Jeremy AtwoodFamily Law

prenuptial agreement

Pre-nuptial agreements are not limited to Hollywood stars and multimillionaires. They are becoming increasingly common than you think. Today, many individuals encourage using a pre-nuptial agreement to protect their assets, with almost half of the unmarried people (44%) believing prenups can be helpful. However, creating a prenup can be complex and emotionally charged, making the guidance of family law lawyers invaluable. Your attorney … Read More

Understanding Paternity Action and What It Means in Utah

Jeremy AtwoodFamily Law, Paternity

paternity attorney

Children born out of marriage are no longer considered a taboo. In fact, the United States has one of the highest numbers of unmarried childbirths. As of 2020, the percentage of births to unmarried women has increased to 40.5%. This number was just 18% in 1980. However, unmarried childbirth can lead to legal complications. When a married couple gives birth, the … Read More

How to Find a Family Law Attorney Best Suited to Your Needs

Jeremy AtwoodFamily Law

family law attorney

Family law is a branch of civil law that deals with legal issues between family members. It often defines the legal relationships of parents, children, spouses, domestic partners, and guardians. In other words, family law addresses legal complications like divorce, child custody, child support, adoption, and paternity, among others. You will need to hire a competent family law attorney when filing for … Read More

7 Cases Where You’ll Need a Family Law Attorney

Jeremy AtwoodFamily Law

Elder and estate law ogden

Disagreements between family members are common. But when these arguments morph into a full-blown legal battle, you will need to enlist some external support to back you up. That’s where a family law attorney enters the scene.  As the name suggests, family law attorneys specialize in all things family law. These include marriage, divorce, custody, guardianship, and estate planning, among … Read More