How Does Divorce Impact Small Business Owners

Jeremy AtwoodDivorce

divorce couple running small business

As an entrepreneur, your business is much more than a job; it’s your passion and probably your most valuable asset. You’ve poured in endless hours and hefty resources to build it from the ground up. Naturally, you’d want to shield it from any potential harm.  Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: divorce. While no one ties the knot … Read More

High Asset Divorces: Strategies for Protecting Your Assets

Jeremy AtwoodDivorce

Breaking up is hard to do, and when you’re dealing with a high-asset divorce, it can feel like navigating a financial minefield. A high-net-worth divorce typically involves significant holdings, like closely held business interests, real estate partnerships, stock options, deferred compensation, and so on. High-asset divorce cases in Utah can be complex. With more assets to divide, both parties have … Read More

Legal Separation vs Divorce in Utah: How To Make a Decision

Jeremy AtwoodDivorce

graphic showing separation vs divorce

Marriages can take turns that push couples to go their separate ways. But ending a marriage is no easy decision, especially when you share assets, property, and most importantly, children.  Broadly speaking, there are two ways you can exit an unhappy marriage- divorce and legal separation. While these terms are often used interchangeably, there are significant legal differences between them. … Read More

Uncontested Divorce vs. Contested Divorce in Utah

Jeremy AtwoodDivorce

uncontested divorce couples facing each other

When you and your spouse decide to part ways, there are usually two ways to handle the situation.  Depending on the road you take, your divorce will be classified as uncontested or contested in Utah. Sure, the dissolution of a marriage is far more nuanced, but understanding the key differences between these proceedings can help make the Utah divorce process … Read More

The Divorce Process in Utah: A Step-by-Step Overview

Jeremy AtwoodDivorce

divorce attorney in utah Jeremy Atwood Law

Ending a marriage is one of the hardest things many people have to do in their lifetime. Although no one wants it, things just don’t work out sometimes. It’s an emotionally, financially, and legally challenging time. If you’re looking to file for divorce in Utah, you might have questions about where to begin. Since the divorce process varies widely by … Read More

How Long Does a Divorce Process Take in Utah?

Jeremy AtwoodDivorce

divorce attorney utah

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of divorce? It’s a slow and lengthy process. In Utah, it’s no exception but as an experienced Utah divorce lawyer, we believe the answer is often in the details. Just like complications can delay your divorce, a straightforward, amicable divorce can be over before you know it. From … Read More

Understanding Pre-Divorce Alimony in Utah: What You Need to Know

Jeremy AtwoodDivorce, Family Law

people discussing an agreement

Do half of all marriages end in divorce?  While this isn’t an exact statistic, there’s some truth to it. About 4-5 million people get married every year in the U.S., and approximately 42-53% of those marriages eventually end in divorce.  Now, when couples decide to call it quits, things can get messy. You got your lawyers, courtrooms, and a bunch … Read More

How to Navigate Property Division during a Divorce in Utah

Jeremy AtwoodDivorce, Family Law

Couple discussing divoce

Divorce is more common than you think. As per the latest data, in 2021, 689,308 divorces occurred across the 45 U.S. states that report these statistics. One of the most critical aspects of getting divorced is the property division. As a professional divorce attorney in Layton, we often face the question – who gets to keep the house? Of course, both … Read More

Navigating Divorce Laws in Utah: What You Should Know

Jeremy AtwoodDivorce, Family Law

Everyone wants to have a happy married life. Unfortunately, not all of us are so lucky – some of us want to get out of a marriage. Reasons may vary from person to person, but they want the process to be over quickly and without any hassle. And with a divorce rate of 3.3, Utah is one of the top fifteen … Read More

Joint Custody in Utah: 8 Tips for Successful Co-Parenting

Jeremy AtwoodDivorce, Family Law

joint custody attorney utah

Divorce, no matter how amicable, is never easy. And when children are involved, getting custody is a primary concern for the divorcing parents. But with 40% of the US states aiming to give children equal time with each parent, you are more likely to end up with joint custody. This decision often rests on the fact that the well-being of children comes … Read More